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Declination of Sufism among Muslims - Essay Example These forces are ascribed to them under the rules of Quran and Sunnah. The most signi...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Gender Equity in Math and Science Essay -- Essays Papers
Gender Equity in Math and Science From the research I have read while there is a disagreement on when and how much of a gender gap exists in math and science, there is definitely an equity issue that needs addressing. There seems to be an abundance of information about equity issues and as a future teacher I feel that it is important to examine these issues. If gender equity issues exist in today's’ classrooms why do they and what can be done to help correct it. Everything I've read so far states that a gender gap exists in science, while opinions about math vary. I found a paper on the Internet from the National Center for Education Statistics called â€Å"Trends In Educational Equity of Girls & Women.†Using information from NAEP this source states that between 1973 and 1994 academic achievement of females in math was about equal to males (NCES, 2000). The NCES report states that females and males take similarly challenging academic courses (2000). Baker (2001) however writes that research shows that there is a slight female superiority in elementary school and middle school and a moderate male superiority in high school in math and science. Baker (2001) researched gender equity in gifted elementary students in grades 4 and 6. After his study he concluded that â€Å"gender had a significant effect on the performance of high performing students in grades 4 and 6†(Baker, p.134). Baker reported a slight female super iority in relation to performance in the area of math computation which is consistent with other studies he has read, but Baker found that males were superior in the understanding of math concepts and applications which is inconsistent with previous findings (2001). From reading our textbook the... .... Science Education, 84, 180-192. Kahle, J., and Lakes, M. (1983). The Myth of Equality in Science Classrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 20, 131-140. National Center for Education Statistics. (2000). Trends in Educational Equity of Girls & Women. Retrieved March 16, 2001 on the World Wide Web: http://nces.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pud=2000030. Sadker, M., Sadker, D., and Stulberg, M. (1993, March). Fair and Square? Creating a Nonsexist Classroom. Instructor, 44-46, 67-68. Sanders, J. (1997). Teacher Education and Gender Equity. (Eric Document No. ED408277). World Wide Web: http://ericir.syr.edu/plweb-cgi/obtain.pl. Retrieved March 16, 2001. Reys, R., Lindquist, M. Lambdin, D., Smith, N., and Suydam, M. (2001). Helping Children Learn Mathematics. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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