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Declination of Sufism among Muslims Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Declination of Sufism among Muslims - Essay Example These forces are ascribed to them under the rules of Quran and Sunnah. The most signi...
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Washington State University (WSU) Admission Data
Washington State University (WSU) Admission Data Washington State University had an acceptance rate of 80 percent in 2016, and admission is moderately selective. Accepted students tend to have grades and standardized test scores that are average or better. The admission process is largely not holisticdecisions are based mostly on grades, standardized test scores, and the applicants high school curriculum. Adequate grades in core academic subjects are essential. Are you on target for admission to WSU? Calculate your chances of getting in with this free tool from Cappex. Admissions Data (2016) Washington State University Acceptance Rate: 72 percentGPA, SAT and ACT Graph for Washington StateTest Scores: 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 460 / 580SAT Math: 470 / 585What these SAT numbers meanTop Washington colleges SAT comparisonPAC 12 SAT score comparisonACT Composite: 20 / 26ACT English: 19 / 25ACT Math: 19 / 26What these ACT numbers meanTop Washington colleges ACT comparisonPAC 12 ACT score comparison Washington State University Description Washington State University (WSU) in Pullman rests on 620 acres on the eastern side of Washington State, just a few miles from the University of Idaho. The university offers over 200 areas of study, with about 100 majors for undergraduates. Academics at WSU in Pullman are supported by a 15 to 1 student / faculty ratio, and nearly 80 percent of classes have fewer than 50 students. The university has extensive study abroad offerings through more than 1,500 programs in 86 countries. The universitys strengths in the liberal arts and sciences earned it a chapter of the prestigious ​Phi Beta Kappa honor society, and its overall strengths earned it a spot on my list of top Washington colleges. In recent years the university has been building its online offerings, and its online MBA program has earned national accolades. Campus life is active. Washington State is a residential campus with roughly 85 percent of students living on campus. About fifteen percent of students belong to sororities or fraternities. Getting involved is easy with over 300 clubs and organizations to choose from. More than 6,000 WSU undergraduates participate in intramural sports including volleyball, tennis, flag football, golf, climbing, and laser tag. In athletics, the Washington State University Cougars biggest athletic rival is the University of Washington. Both schools compete in the Division I Pacific 12 Conference. The university fields six mens and nine womens intercollegiate sports, and WSU has one of the largest athletic centers in the country. Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 30,142 (24,904 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 48 percent male / 52 percent female87 percent full-time Costs (2016-17) Tuition and Fees: $11,041 (in-state); $25,673 (out-of-state)Books: $960 (why so much?)Room and Board: $11,356Other Expenses: $3,542Total Cost: $26,899 (in-state); $41,531 (out-of-state) Washington State University Financial Aid (2015-16) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 90 percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 83 percentLoans: 48 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $9,368Loans: $6,999 Academic Programs Most Popular Majors: Business Administration, Communication Studies, Criminal Justice, Education, English, Human Development, Mechanical Engineering, Nursing, Psychology, Social ScienceWhat major is right for you? Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation and Retention Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 79 percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 41 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 67 percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports: Football, Golf, Basketball, Baseball, Track and Field, Cross CountryWomens Sports: Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball, Track and Field, Golf, Rowing, Soccer If You Like Washington State, You May Also Like These Schools University of Oregon: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphGonzaga University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBoise State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Portland: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Washington: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphArizona State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphWhitworth University: ProfilePortland State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphStanford University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphOregon State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphSeattle University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Washington State Unversity Mission Statement mission statement from the https://strategicplan.wsu.edu/plan/vision-mission-and-values/ Washington State University is a public research university committed to its land-grant heritage and tradition of service to society. Our mission is threefold: To advance knowledge through creative research, innovation, and creativity across a wide range of academic disciplines.To extend knowledge through innovative educational programs in which students and emerging scholars are mentored to realize their highest potential and assume roles of leadership, responsibility, and service to society.To apply knowledge through local and global engagement that will improve quality of life and enhance the economy of the state, nation, and world. Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics
Friday, November 22, 2019
Common Anions Table and Formulas List
Common Anions Table and Formulas List An anion is an ion that has a negative charge. Here is a table listing common anions and their formulas: Table of Common Anions Simple Anions Formula Hydride H- Oxide O2- Fluoride F- Sulfide S2- Chloride Cl- Nitride N3- Bromide Br- Iodide I- Oxoanions Formula Arsenate AsO43- Phosphate PO43- Arsenite AsO33- Hydrogen Phosphate HPO42- Dihydrogen Phosphate H2PO4- Sulfate SO42- Nitrate NO3- Hydrogen Sulfate HSO4- Nitrite NO2- Thiosulfate S2O32- Sulfite SO32- Perchlorate ClO4- Iodate IO3- Chlorate ClO3- Bromate BrO3- Chlorite ClO2- Hypochlorite OCl- Hypobromite OBr- Carbonate CO32- Chromate CrO42- Hydrogen Carbonate or Bicarbonate HCO3- Dichromate Cr2O72- Anions from Organic Acids Formula Acetate CH3COO- Formate HCOO- Other Anions Formula Cyanide CN- Amide NH2- Cyanate OCN- Peroxide O22- Thiocyanate SCN- Oxalate C2O42- Hydroxide OH- Permanganate MnO4- Writing Formulas of Salts Salts are compounds composed of cations bonded to anions. The resulting compound carries a neutral electrical charge. For example, table salt, or sodium chloride, consists of the Na cation bonded to the Cl- anion to form NaCl. Salts are hygroscopic, or tend to pick up water. This water is called water of hydration. By convention, the cation name and formula are listed before the anion name and formula. In other words, write the cation on the left and the anion on the right. The formula of a salt is: (cation)m(anion)n ·(#)H2O where the H2O is omitted if the # is zero, m is the oxidation state of the anion, and n is the oxidation state of the anion. If m or n is 1, then no subscript is written in the formula. The name of a salt is given by: (cation)(anion) (prefix)(hydrate) where the hydrate is omitted if there is no water. Prefixes indicate the number of water molecules or can be used in front of the cation and anion names in cases where the cation (usually) can have multiple oxidation states. Common prefixes are: Number Prefix 1 mono 2 di 3 tri 4 tetra 5 penta 6 hexa 7 hepta 8 octa 9 nona 10 deca 11 undeca For example, the compound strontium chloride consists of the cation Sr2 combined with the anion Cl-. It is written SrCl2. When the cation and/or the anion is a polyatomic ion, parentheses may be used to group the atoms in the ion together to write the formula. For example, the salt ammonium sulfate consists of the cation NH4 and the sulfate anion SO42-. The formula of the salt is written as (NH4)2SO4. The compound calcium phosphate consists of the calcium cation Ca2 with the anion PO43- and is written as Ca3(PO4)2. An example of a formula that includes water of hydrate is that of copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate. Note that the name of the salt includes the oxidation state of copper. This is common when dealing with any transition metal or rare earth. The formula is written as CuSO4 ·5H2O. Formulas of Binary Inorganic Compounds Combining cations and anions to form binary inorganic compounds is simple. The same prefixes are applied to indicate the quantities of cation or anion atoms. Examples include the name of water, H2O, which is dihydrogen monoxide, and the name of NO, which is nitrogen dioxide. Cations and Anions in Organic Compounds The rules for naming and writing the formulas of organic compounds are more complex. In general, the name follows the rule: (group prefixes)(longest carbon chain prefix)(highest root bond)(most important group suffix)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Clinical Supervision Importance in Practices Nursing Essay
Clinical Supervision Importance in Practices Nursing - Essay Example As nurses, we play a big role which ensures those patients are cared for and receives quality medical health care. Clinical supervision provides the possibility of bringing about change in this process. The objective of this paper is to provide a reflection of my own performance as a clinical supervisor to a peer colleague and recommend a future developmental need that I might have worked as a clinical supervisor. My reflective report will be based on John Driscoll’s model of structured reflection. I will use the model as a guide to assist me reflects upon significant events in my most recent clinical supervision. I decided to choose this model since I found it most relevant to my reflective style. The model provided me with a good guideline of potential questions, such as the what? So what? and now what? which influenced my flow of thought without having to map out the entire reflective process. In the reflective report, I will provide a descriptive account of events at my wo rkplace, analysis of the behavior and emotional context and conclude with a feasible action plan summarizing my future developmental needs as a clinical supervisor might be met. In conformity with the NMC code of conduct, confidentiality will be maintained throughout the essay. What is clinical supervision? Research reveals that clinical supervision is an aspect that affects all practicing nurses. However, it has often been regarded as something new, since its application began in the early 1990s with the support of Nursing and Midwifery. Since then, the concept has evolved and is being adopted in all the fields of healthcare and its allied world such as psychiatry, physiotherapy, and counseling (Jones 2003, 224-228). Brunero and Stein-Parbury (2010, p.87) defines clinical supervision as the processes of professional support and learning where nurses are assisted in developing their practice through regular discussion time with knowledgeable and experienced colleagues. Fowler (1996, p.27) notes that during clinical supervision, nurses engage in reflection processes in order to be able to identify and meet their need for professional development. According to Van Ooijen 2000, p.14-16) the purpose of clinical supervision is to improve nursing practice and as such needs to be focused on nurse-patient interaction. Canham & Bennet (2008, p. 63) support this arguing that the essence of clinical supervision is the support and the development of the nurse.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Case Study Analysis - Tiffanies Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analysis - Tiffanies - Case Study Example The sale of â€Å"fine†jewelry accounts for only a small percentage of the overall sales and profitability for the firm; however, it continues to represent a lion’s share of the overall investment, research and development, and product space that such items receive within the Tiffany branded stores. Tiffany’s is seen by consumer markets as representing on extremely expensive pieces of fine jewelry; this somewhat reduces the degree and extent to which it can hope to engage consumers within other markets. Solution a: Activate an aggressive marketing campaign that alerts consumers that Tiffany’s provides for the needs of a diverse group of consumers; not only those that are within the highest socio-economic category. Solution b: Begin slowly phasing less expensive products into the product mix and hope that the consumer base will respond positively by means of gradual osmosis; continuing to utilize the 18 month product cycle previously defined. Solution a: Promote a strategy that engages consumer awareness that Tiffany’s physical location only represents a portion of what the firm has to offer and that online shopping as a manner by which everyone else that does not live in close proximity can enjoy their products. Solution b: Begin to alter the brand marketing approach so that Tiffany’s will not only be marketed within certain select forums. This will encourage a re-integration of understanding in terms of what the firm represents and how. Solution b: Discontinue existing and outdated marketing approaches that have placed a disproportional focus on word of mouth and status advertising; as these are outdated and insufficient to reach emerging markets. Solution a: Whereas almost all other luxury brands have engaged with the Chinese market thoroughly, Tiffany’s only represents 10 stores in this nation of over 1 billion people – indicating a situation in which potential for profitability and market space within China
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Increasing Rate of Minors Who Engage in Smoking Essay Example for Free
Increasing Rate of Minors Who Engage in Smoking Essay The purpose of this research is to identify the percentage of minors who does engage in smoking, to have this idea of how minors take this unhealthy activities that sabotage their life as well as their future, not only that, we also want to make people realize especially the teenagers that taking and engaging in these activities does not help them to be a better person as well as a healthy human being. The very purpose of our research is to stop minors in engaging into these activities by picturing to them that with these, their life would be nothing because this is not good in their physical body, but also mentally and emotionally. 1.2Context of the Study These minors usually live in a complicated life where they are facing a lot of problems and even things that makes their mind chaotic. Those things that are happening around them, those people who are engaged in smoking can also trigger them to be a smoker. 1.3Problem Statement 1.3.1Main problem Smoking is one of the means of people to channel their depression. It is 1.4Significance of the Study The study will provide guidance to minors for them to be aware of the possible negative effects of the vices that they are in. Especially college students who are always hanging out in clubs, always drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking and even using illegal drugs. This will enable minors to become more conscious about their health and stop engaging in these activities that will make their life miserable. 1.5Delimitation of the Study * College students of Central Philippine University 1.6Definition of Terms Vices – are bad habits that he/she is not aware of it. Smoking – is the act of burning a cigarette and inhaling its smoke to experience stress relief. Alcoholic beverages – are alcoholic drinks that are drunk by people for recreation purposes. Minors – are the respondents of the study. 1.7Assumptions It is assumed in the study that: * Respondents will answer the question honestly and accurately. * That attitudes of respondents are good. 2 CHAPTER 2: LIERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction The commercial vices are gambling, prostitutions, and drugs. The appeals of the commercial vices are so strong and widespread that attempts to prohibit them to western countries have always failed. (http://www.123HelpMe.com/view.asp?id=59394) Social vices are forms of evil, wicked and criminal actions or behaviours in the society. These are social problems and have been thought of as social situations that a large number of observers feel are inappropriate and need remedying. Social vices are those acts and conditions that violate societal norms and values. (http://www.termpaperwarehouse.com/essay-on/Social-Vices-In-Higher-Institutions-In/86198) People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks cool. Others start because their family members or friends smoke. Statistics show that about 9 out of 10 tobacco users’ start before theyre 18 years old. Most adults who started smoking in their teens never expected to become addicted. Thats why people say its just so much easier to not start smoking at all. (http://kidshealth.org/teen/drug_alcohol/tobacco/smoking.html) Alcohol or â€Å"booze is widely used by young people. Around 90% of Australian teenagers over the age of 14 years have tried alcohol at least once. Estimates suggest that around half of teenagers over 14 years drink alcohol at least weekly. Binge drinking, drink driving and unsafe sex can also result from the misuse of alcohol.â€
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Response to the Great Depression Essay -- essays papers
A Response to the Great Depression The Great Depression of the 1930s was the economic event of the 20th century. The Great Depression began in 1929 when the entire world suffered an enormous drop in output and an unprecedented rise in unemployment. World economic output continued to decline until 1932 when it clinked bottom at 50% of its 1929 level. Unemployment soared, in the United States it peaked at 24.9% in 1933. Real economic output (real GDP) fell by 29% from 1929 to 1933 and the US stock market lost 89.5% of its value. Another unusual aspect of the Great Depression was deflation. Prices fell 25%, 30%, 30%, and 40% in the UK, Germany, the US, and France respectively from 1929 to 1933. These were the four largest economies in the world at that time. In the United States the Great Depression brought forth many problems. There was both a physical and psychological impact on the entire nation. Many feared losing their jobs and the high rate of unemployment cause much anxiety. People were becoming depressed and the numbers of attempted and/or committed suicides were increasing. The impact on the nations health was also an issue. Thousands of people were going hungry, causing people to grow their own food and eat wild berries and other plants. Children were suffering from poor diets and inadequate medical attention, which lead to many other health problems. Living conditions changed when multiple families began crowding into small houses and apartments in at...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ethics in Project Management
ETHICS IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1ABSTRACT This essay will describe about ethics in project management which will provide us an overview of the aspects how the organizations develop the ethics in an organization and about the differences in the ethical decision making among various professionals in their given field. In order to understand various aspects of the chosen topic various literature have been examined including peer reviewed articles which have been carefully chosen. In today’s world all the professional fields have adopted the ethical code of conduct in one way or another but there are differences in the decision making because of variation in company culture and the ethical values of a project manager and the employees. 2INTRODUCTION Ethics basically define the values and the standards or customs of a particular person or a group of people. There are two things that provide the specification for the ethics. First, ethics refers to well based standards of right and wrong that set what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. Secondly, ethics refers to the study and development of one's ethical standards. As mentioned above, feelings can deviate from what is ethical. So it is necessary to constantly examine one's standards to ensure that they are reasonable and well-founded. Ethics also means, then, the continuous effort of studying our own moral beliefs and our moral conduct, and striving to ensure that we, and the institutions we help to shape, live up to standards that are reasonable and solidly-based. To make good ethical decisions it is essential that the professionals must have trained sensitivity to the ethical issues and a methodology that will help in exploring the ethical aspects of a decision making. In the business world, ethics scandals have caused the downfall of global corporations and non-profits, causing public outrage and sparking increased government regulations. Globalization has brought economies closer together but has caused a realization that our practice of ethics may differ from culture to culture. The rapid, continuing pace of technological change has provided new opportunities, but has also introduced new challenges, including new ethical dilemmas. The Code of Ethics and Professional Development was approved by the PMI Board of Directors in October 2006. Breach of Code of Ethics: Should, in the opinion of the National Council, a breach or a series of breaches of the Code of Ethics indicate that the member concerned has conducted himself/herself in a manner seriously prejudicial to the profession, then the Council shall advise the member that his/her name shall be removed from the Register of Members and in the case of Registered Project Managers, from the Register of Project Managers. The other important issue is importance of monitoring to control unethical problems. There is no doubt, control is necessary to prevent unethical problems, especially illegal ones, like frauds, and it helps organisations to ensure the accepted policies perform properly. However, there are some possible conflicts here, especially about considering people’s privacy and answer to this question that how far should this control go? People do not like their personal actions to be watched by others and they expect their privacy to be respected, also in some situations, applying very strictly suspect view to control causes people feel to have to try to prove their innocence because someone thinks they are guilty. In my opinion, definitely people‘s right to have their privacy respected could not be ignored, but there are other rights for people too, they want to feel secure when they trust to an organisation and give their information to the organisation and it’s responsible to protect them against someone that tries to access the information and use it to abuse them, or they also want the information related to their banking transactions to be secure. In all of these cases, it is not a acceptable excuse to these organisations not to check their staffs’ or customers’ suspect actions just because of being care about respecting to people privacy rights. As we see, beside to privacy right, there are other rights that should be considered as well. So the someone privacy right should be respected as far as it does not provide possibility of break other people‘s right. Ethics in IT: Mentioned by Strassmann, there is an issue for which, about our personal responsibility to other’s unethical behaviour and deciding whether or not play the role of the ethics police for people including our colleagues, partners, customers or even our boss. Bill Nance, a professor of management information systems at San Jose State University, disagree with such a way of thinking, he believes this â€Å"don't ask, don't tell†policy might end up costing a lot more than the money saved by the illegal money-saving strategies. He gave reason that â€Å"If a client or co-worker is doing something that is beyond unethical –something that is illegal  and others involved know or `could have reasonably known,' as lawyers say in court, they could be considered an accomplice†. I personally think in this sort of situation expectation of always acting as a moral cop is to some extent idealist and not realistic; sometimes because of the side effects of playing such a role, it could cost too much, such as losing job or popularity, so it would not worth to do so. Following are the main objectives that are meant to be achieved with the implementation of ethics in the organization:- Inspiration: To inspire members of the profession to act more ethically in the work environment. Sensitivity: To give encouragement to the members to remain sensitive towards the moral aspects of their jobs Discipline: To enforce certain rules of the profession on its members to achieve integrity Advice: To provide advice in cases of moral complexity and ethical dilemma Awareness: To alert employers and clients as to what they can expect of the member when performing his or her job. Ethics in Construction: The American Society of Civil Engineers claims that corruption accounts for an estimated $340 billion of worldwide construction costs each year. Corruption (including bribery, embezzlement, kickbacks, and fraud) in construction projects undermines the delivery of infrastructure services. Further, corruption poses significant risks to construction and engineering companies themselves. Owners, while trying to minimize their costs for construction projects, are also required to address the ethical and social responsibilities to their shareholders. Terms such as â€Å"socially responsible investments,†â€Å"integrity,†â€Å"honesty,†and â€Å"ethical business conduct†can be found in the operation statements or codes of ethics of almost all public companies. Whistleblowing: In the past thirty years numerous pieces of legislation have been passed to offer protection to whistleblowers from retaliation for disclosing organisational wrongdoing. An area that remains uncertain in relation to whistleblowing and its related policies in organisations is whether these policies actually increase the individualisation of work, allowing employees to behave in accordance with their conscience and in line with societal expectations or whether they are another management tool to control employees and protect organisations from them. In the professional environment, defining what is ethical could be too subjective. So providing enough information about accepted ethical values is very helpful to make ethical decisions. In other words, it is organisations’ responsibility to have related ethical policies and inform people, who need to know about that, properly. Another point is that some people usually take lightly of what is considered unethical behaviour in the industry while they may think that this behaviour is highly unethical or even illegal in real life. This situation emphasizes necessity to pay more attention to cultural infrastructure to promote ethical issues e. g. in construction, medical or IT area. Finally, considering that The Project Management Institute does have a Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, every professional should accustom to commit to the code seriously and adhere to it in all circumstances. Also enforcement of the ethical standards should be a must for the organization to maintain a reputation and also to protect the interest of the public. REFERENCES 1) Reedy, Patrick. 2008. ‘Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: Reflecting on the Ethics and Effects of a Collective Critical Management Studies Identity Project. ’ Management Learning Vol. 39 Issue 1 p 57-72. EBSCOhost viewed September 25, 2008. ) Garrett, Michael. 2008. ‘What Will You Do When Your Desire to Please and Ethics Collide? ’ Business Source Complete, p 42-44, EBSCOhost viewed September 25, 2008. 3) Small, M. 2006, ‘A Case for Including Business Ethics and the Humanities in Management Programs’ Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 64 Issue 2, p195-211, EBSCOhost viewed Se ptember 26, 2008 4) Tsahuridu, E. , & Vandekerckhove, W. 2008, ‘Organisational Whistleblowing Policies: Making Employees Responsible or Liable? ’ Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 82 Issue 1, p107-118, EBSCOhost viewed September 26, 2008 5) Sohail, M. , & Cavill, S. 008, ‘Accountability to Prevent Corruption in Construction Projects’ Journal of Construction Engineering & Management, Vol. 134 Issue 9, p729-738, EBSCOhost viewed September 25, 2008 6) Annas, G. 2008, ‘Military Medical Ethics – Physician First, Last, Always’ New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 359 Issue 11, p1087-1090. EBSCOhost viewed September 26, 2008 7) Swartz, N 2003, ‘Business Leaders Form Ethics Organization’, Information Management Journal, Vol. 37 Issue 2, p14. EBSCOhost, viewed September 23, 2008 8) Belsie, L 2002, ‘Watching for technology abuse at work’, Christian Science Monitor, Vol. 0, Issue 184, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 September 2008. 9 ) Strassmann, P 2000, ‘Practice ethical IT’, Computerworld, vol. 34, no. 14, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 September 2008. 10) Jane, R 2002, ‘Facing ethical dilemmas’, InfoWorld, vol. 20, no. 52/01, p. 73, EBSCOhost, viewed 26 September 2008. http://www. acm. org/about/code-of-ethics http://www. pmi. org/info/AP_PMICodeofEthics. pdf http://www. scu. edu/ethics/practicing/decision/framework. html http://www. cpsr. org/act/contest/4wi2 http://gbr. pepperdine. edu/052/itmatters. html http://www. misq. org/archivist/vol/no16/issue4/effyoz. pdf
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Lmt 100
AIFAA HUSNA BINTI ASHA’RI 112542 LMT 100 / 44 LECTURER : PUAN ZURAIDAH ABU BAKAR Question 1 (a) If I was Sivasothie, I will object the arranged marriage made by my family because I know that arranged marriage will not last longer even though it was parent choice. There were lack of love and respect between husband and wife when we married with someone which we do not know well. Furthermore, there was also the danger of arranged marriage which the husband will act violent towards his wife and to be worse the wife was too afraid to speak out. In Sivasothie’s situation, her future husband was materialistic. As he works as a doctor, the value of dowry that he wanted was too high that cannot be afford by Sivasothie, plus he did not wanted to be considerate with her family at all. In this case, it shows that a woman pride was very low because she cannot afford to pay the dowry for the man, just because of the arranged marriage made by their family. Question 1 (b) If I was the American girl, I will have a slow talk with my husband to improve our relationship. Maybe it was hard to have a slow talk as my husband was too cold, but I will try to change and improve the situation to save my marriage or else my relationship with him will become worse. The love between us is fading and it will die if I do not take any action on it. A marriage with no love was meaningless because we were living with our partner everyday and there will be lack of intimacy. It was okay if our husband was not care about us too much. We do not have to be emotional towards our husband because it will destroy the marriage that we build. Hence, we need to make things better and save the marriage from divorced. Tolerate between each other is important so that our relationship will last longer.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
John Adams, George Washington, essays
John Adams, George Washington, essays 1. The principle motivation in getting involved with the independence movement for John Adams was his ambition. However, he also had a very strong sense of virtue and he saw America as the center of virtuous being. He saw the taxation being imposed on Americans as morally wrong and was personally insulted by the appointment of men to high official positions based on their willingness to bow to and fawn over the crown. With a movement toward independence, Adams could satisfy his own ambition by moving his concerns and abilities out of the small province of Massachusetts into the larger arena of the continental government. Pairing his ambition with the ambition of the entire continent was satisfying and productive to Adams and this, among other things, motivated him to continue his support for American independence. The principle motivation for George Washington for the independence movement was personal honor and gain. Washington understood that by serving as the head of the Continental Army during the movement, he could gain tremendous honor as long as he could defeat the forces of the British. Eventually, Washington began to pair his honor with the honor of the entire nation, just like Adams ambition. The continual gain of national honor would satisfy Washingtons need for personal honor as well as serving his personal interest. The principle motivation for Jefferson in the movement for American independence was his belief in freedom for mankind. Given, his definition of mankind was limited, but he believed that mankind should be free from all oppression and strive to better itself in every way possible. Morgan hints that the personal gain for Jefferson from the movement was his own freedom from oppression. Through the fight for independence, Jefferson was freeing himself from the oppressive laws of England, the oppressive laws of his forefathers, and oppressive limitation of how well he could voice his ideas. The mov...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 Sentences Requiring Hyphenated Phrasal Adjectives
5 Sentences Requiring Hyphenated Phrasal Adjectives 5 Sentences Requiring Hyphenated Phrasal Adjectives 5 Sentences Requiring Hyphenated Phrasal Adjectives By Mark Nichol When two or more words team up to describe something, they’re usually hyphenated to make their symbiotic relationship clear. Each of the following sentences contains a phrasal adjective that should be linked with one or more hyphens; each example is followed by a brief discussion and a revision. 1. Their affair wasn’t exactly the best kept secret. This sentence refers to a secret that is the best kept, not a kept secret that is better than any other, so link the phrasal adjective together: â€Å"Their affair wasn’t exactly the best-kept secret.†2. The company conducted an information security risk assessment earlier this year. What type of assessment occurred? A risk assessment about information security, or an assessment about information-security risk? Either analysis is correct, but at least one hyphen is required, no matter which interpretation is favored: â€Å"The company conducted an information-security risk assessment earlier this year†and â€Å"The company conducted an information-security-risk assessment earlier this year.†(Both work, but the former alternative is simpler.) 3. Smith is widely revered for being the most high profile member of the Mormon faith in America. This sentence seems to imply that of all the profile members of the Mormon church, Smith is the one most intoxicated by drugs. A hyphen linking high and profile eliminates any confusion about the meaning of the statement: â€Å"Smith is widely revered for being the most high-profile member of the Mormon faith in America.†4. The rare book dealer has been in business for as long as I can remember. Does this sentence refer to one of the few book dealers or to a dealer in rare books? The latter reading is more likely, but eliminate doubt by hyphenating rare and book: â€Å"The rare-book dealer has been in business for as long as I can remember.†5. We analyzed the entire play on a scene by scene basis. The phrasal adjective â€Å"scene by scene†should be hyphenated: â€Å"We analyzed the entire play on a scene-by-scene basis.†(Alternatively, simplify the sentence to â€Å"We analyzed the entire play scene by scene†; try this approach for time frames, too, as by replacing â€Å"on an annual basis†with annually.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Math or Maths?15 Types of DocumentsThe "Pied" in The Pied Piper
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Effectiveness of Health and Safety at Work Place in Bangladesh Essay
Effectiveness of Health and Safety at Work Place in Bangladesh - Essay Example Fire and collapse incidents proved that compliance with employee safety was not being assured and workers were forced to work in vulnerable working conditions to keep their body and soul together. On 24 April 2013, a very grave collapse of garments industry was observed at a ten storey building in Bangladesh. It made the entire world suspicious of what could have happened. The accident took place in well known Rana Plaza where five garment factories were running with worldwide interactions. Many renowned brands were used to interact with garment factories in Bangladesh because of good quality of garments at cheaper costs. However the poor health and safety conditions are thought to be responsible of the deadliest building collapse in the history of Bangladesh (BBC News 2013). It is right to remark that it has become an alarming situation for governing bodies in order to cope the global defame and for resuming the relationships for trade and business. In near past, before the lethal c ollapse, Bangladesh remained a center of attention for international buyers because of extremely low wage rates. According to Minimum Wage Board (2010), the average wage in Bangladesh was Taka 3000/- which is extremely low as compared to contemporary market rate (Mondy and Noe et al. 2005). 2. The Accident The tragic collapse in Sawar on 24th April 2013 was one of the most astonishing historical accidents. The said plaza, situated in Sawar, Dhaka, was tremendously collapsed at 8:58 a.m on that day. The plaza building has been estimated to have 5000 workers employed in five garments factories. According to the government press release, around 1131 workers kicked the bucket in the accident and their bodies were rescued. The government spokesman further divulged that 2438 workers were rescued alive. In the collapse five garment factories, one bank, ATM booths, a market and parking lots were devastated (Mehr 2013). Rescue services were offered by Bangladesh army, Fire and civil defense services, Bangladesh Police and several volunteer welfare and nongovernmental organization. The made the injured reach to hospitals and different first aid spots according to the severity of injury. Emergency was enforced in public as well as in private hospitals at Dhaka (BBC News 2013). It has been reported that a morning before the collapse, a two inch crack was observed in ground pillars of the building. By hearing the news, several journalists of leading television channels arrived at the building. They covered the news and were lean to talk to the owner of building Sohel Rana. After the call, the owner personally came to the building and said that the crack is not dangerous. It can be managed without enforcing any emergency in the building. The peace of the building must not be disturbed. He asked the journalists not to report the news. He let out the situation of building satisfactory in all respects and went away. A local engineer visited the building and told that the condi tion is severely vulnerable; the building must be emptied immediately and should be inspected by a competent team of professional engineers (Quinn 2013). By seeing the response of the building owner, the garment factories’ owners decided to close the factories. From the next day, labors were called for strike.
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